No matter what led to your decision to rehome, we know your goal is to ultimately find the best next home for your beloved pet. When it comes to finding a new home, you know your pet best. You are their best chance at finding the best home possible. Follow these tips to help create an engaging adoption profile that, along with a standout photo, can help your pet catch the eye of a loving new home!
1. Put Their Best Photo Forward
Adopters often tell us that they fell in love with their pet after seeing the pet’s picture. So, use a clear photo of your pet looking into the camera. Minimize clutter in the frame and really zero in on your pet to show off their personality.
Petfinder shares some additional tips on how to get great pet photos. Things like lighting, where to hold the camera, timing and getting your pet’s attention are all things that contribute to a great shot. If you’re struggling to capture a great photo of your pet, reach out to friends who can help.

2. Write An Attention-Grabbing First Sentence
Starting with “Gamble is two years old and is spayed and vaccinated” may be true, but it doesn’t encourage an adopter to keep reading. To write a catchy first sentence, look into Gamble’s eyes and write who she is, not what she is.
In this photo, Gamble looks loving, so you might say, “Gamble loves you already, and she hasn’t even met you yet.” That will certainly grab people’s attention and make them want to keep reading!

Here, Brownie looks relaxed and content to cuddle, so you could start the profile with, “In need of a couch potato? Brownie is happy to apply for that role!”
3. Emphasize The Pawsitives
Next, provide the details and highlight your pet’s positives first! Is your pet a great snuggler? Good with other animals or children? A quick learner? Then say so. Now isn’t the time to list their bad habits. Doing so can make their problems seem worse than they really are, so choose your words carefully. Here are some examples of negative details and the positive details that could be used instead:
Negative – “Sara barks and lunges at other dogs on walks. With some training, she could probably learn to stop doing this. She can live with other dogs as long as they’re submissive (she fights with dominant dogs). She loves cats. Sara is a sweet girl though and worth it!”
Positive – “Sara is so gentle that a cat could climb on her back, and we’ve seen this happen! When people speak, she cocks her head, trying to figure out what they’d like her to do. And if she can, she’ll try to do what they want. Except on walks. She’ll act up around other dogs when she’s on a leash. But the rest of the time she’s a snuggle bunny who will be right by your side.”

Negative – “Larry is an active boy, so he needs lots of exercise. Larry needs high fences. He also needs a family with someone home during the day. Larry needs your help.”
Positive – “Larry loves to run, so if you’re looking for a jogging companion or someone to take long walks with, then Larry’s your guy. He does need a secure yard with high fences, but his long legs make Larry a very handsome boy who receives lots of compliments. He’s also very loyal and will want to spend time with his family, so someone home for part of the day would be a great match.”
Negative – “Zach needs to be in a household without kids under 12.”
Positive – “Zach is a goofy bundle of enthusiasm, so he needs to join a family with adults or older children.”
4. Be A Storyteller
In addition to emphasizing your pet’s best traits, help paint a picture for the reader of what it will be like to live with your pet! Do you have a funny story or favorite memory to share? A silly description about their day-to-day habits? Write about your pet in such a way that an adopter can’t wait to reach out for more information!
This: Aisha starts off every day on a quest to find the best spot for her afternoon cat nap! Ideal napping spots include a basket of warm towels fresh out of the dryer or curled up at your feet where she can subtly eavesdrop on the latest gossip in between snoozes. Don’t ever be surprised to glance down and catch Aisha’s curious gaze staring right up at you!
Not: Aisha is a cat who likes to sleep and hang out near people during the day.

5. Encourage readers to contact you
Don’t let ideal adopters get away! Encourage them to respond with a clear call to action. Tell them exactly what you’d like them to do next. For example, you can say, “If you think you have the perfect family home for Billy, we’d love to hear from you. Please call us now at 404-222-2222.”
Near the end, you also can write about any restrictions or requirements your pet has, but do it in a friendly way, so you don’t scare away potential adopters. Here’s an example:
This: “Sarah wants to be the only pet in a home with a six-foot fence. And if you can give her that, then you’ll have a loyal friend for life. Please email us to learn more about her at”
Not: “Qualified adopters only. Must have a six-foot fence, a big yard and experience with big dogs. MUST HAVE NO OTHER PETS.”
6. Read It Back To Yourself
Read your pet profile out loud to yourself. Check to see if there’s any information you still want to include. And, most importantly, would it make you want to call? If not, go back over it, and write something that would capture your heart.
7. Share, Share, Share!
After you’ve created the best profile for your pet, you want to make sure it will be seen by as many people as possible! Share on your personal social media, or ask family and friends to share on theirs as well.
Be sure to list your pet on the LifeLine Family to Family page so they can be seen by potential adopters browsing the website. Build their profile here.
Once your pet’s rehoming profile is listed on the LifeLine Family to Family page, consider joining the Adoptable Pets of LifeLine on Facebook to share your pet’s profile in the group of potential adopters.
Also, make a flier version of your pet’s profile to print and hang up in your community! Bring to coffee shops, salons, church or other place of worship or hang on a local community bulletin board.