Due to current weather and travel conditions in metro Atlanta, the LifeLine Community Animal Center shelter and clinic will now be closed on Wednesday, 1/22. Staff are still onsite caring for the animals. We intend to resume normal hours on Thursday, 1/23, but will keep our community updated.


Hero for Community Cats

Eliana is a hero for cats in our community! At only 16-years-old, she’s worked hard to Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) 40 cats over the last two years! She has also found homes for many kittens in need.

A Busy Kitten Season

LifeLine has seen the impacts of a busier than usual kitten season in our shelters and community, and so has young Eliana. She originally started her TNR efforts when she heard about community cats having kittens at her friend’s apartment complex in Dekalb County.

Financially, this year has hit harder than others. Eliana works at a restaurant to help fund her TNR efforts and provide spay/neuter and vaccinations for kittens, but with the amount of cats and kittens in need this year, she reached out to LifeLine for help.

The Power of Human Connection

Our team was incredibly touched by Eliana’s story. With the help of our Community Cats team, Eliana was able to connect with her fellow TNR volunteers on Facebook. They readily pitched in to help! In addition to offering transportation and foster homes for kittens, volunteers also donated $345 towards the cost of vet care for the incredible number of cats that Eliana is helping!

I sent this email and could have never expected such a kind response. All of your kind words of support really mean a lot!"

LifeLine has now set up a special fund dedicated to furthering Eliana’s TNR efforts in her neighborhood! Community members interested in donating towards her cause should visit our donation page and refer to Eliana’s Kittens in the notes section.

Photographed above are just a few of the kittens Eliana has helped through her TNR efforts. We’re so grateful for Eliana and her fellow TNR volunteers for their dedication to the cats in our community. When we work together, we can save lives! Learn more here about how you can become a Community Cat hero in your neighborhood.

LifeLine's Community Cat Program

Join our online community on Facebook! LifeLine’s Community Cat Program page is a resource for compassionate individuals wanting to implement TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) programs in their neighborhoods!

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