Due to current weather and travel conditions in metro Atlanta, the LifeLine Community Animal Center shelter and clinic will now be closed on Wednesday, 1/22. Staff are still onsite caring for the animals. We intend to resume normal hours on Thursday, 1/23, but will keep our community updated.


Record-Breaking Stats Indicate Alarming Trend in Atlanta Shelter Intake

LifeLine Animal Project pushes initiatives to help owners find their lost pets and help reduce overcrowding

ATLANTA, GA – (August 5, 2024) A record-breaking 1,005 animals came into the DeKalb County Animal Services shelter, according to LifeLine Animal Project, who manages both the DeKalb County shelter and Fulton County Animal Services. Of that total, which is the highest monthly intake of animals since LifeLine began managing the counties’ shelters eleven years ago, 451 were lost dogs. LifeLine’s Fulton County operations took in 917 animals in July, which is the second-highest monthly intake in over eleven years, including 420 lost dogs.

LifeLine Animal Project operates the only open intake animal shelters in Fulton and DeKalb. No animal is ever turned away, regardless of health, condition, need or behavior. The organization relies heavily on community support to ensure that every animal, including lost and abandoned pets, has a second chance at finding their way back home or into a new one.

Sadly, the number of people coming to reclaim their lost pets remains low. The reclaim rate – only 14% for lost dogs – significantly impacts LifeLine’s ability to help incoming animals in need. When increasingly more animals are coming into the shelters than leaving, euthanasia becomes a real threat for animals who are struggling in the shelter environment. 

“Sometimes when pets are missing, owners may not know where to turn to find their pets, or they may be worried about fines or fees if they think their pet may be in one of our shelters,” says LifeLine Animal Project CEO and Founder Rebecca Guinn. She adds, “We are waiving all reclaim fees for pets who end up in our shelters for the first time, and we’re also asking neighbors to help more lost pets get back home with a few simple steps.”

Here are three ways LifeLine is working with the community to help more pets get back home:

  • Home Free Program – If your lost pet ends up at the DeKalb or Fulton County  shelters, LifeLine, in partnership with two county governments,  is now waiving all reclaim fees and fines for those who have lost their pet for the first time. 
  • Take 48 – Given that 63% of lost dogs are found less than a mile away from their home, taking them to the shelter actually could impede their chances of ever finding their family again. LifeLine is encouraging anyone who finds a lost pet to take 48 hours, report the animal missing on Petco Love Lost and follow a few quick steps first to help that pet get home, before bringing them to the shelter.
  • Become a Friendly Finder – If you haven’t found the pet’s family in a couple of days, consider keeping the pet for just three days during the “hold” period until that pet becomes available for adoption. After that, you can adopt or foster the pet. Pets not only have a better chance of returning home if they stay close to the area where they are found, they are also much happier in a home instead of a shelter. LifeLine will provide a microchip, all vaccines and supplies. Learn more at


If you find a lost pet, check out these quick steps you can take to save a life and help that pet get back home where they belong.

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